Monday, September 27, 2010

Long Overdue Update

Hey guys. I know it has been forever since I have updated you on my kiddos and everything else. A lot has happened since my last blog in April of 2009. Man that was a year and a half ago. WOW. Time sure does fly. My babies are growing up so fast and are into so many things. We are totally done with dance and have been since Jan. of this year. So no more of that. Saves us a ton. The girls were doing karate but no longer in that either. Brooklyn wanted to go back to soccer and Gabi wants to do just Girl Scouts. Which is fine with me. They can do whatever they want to do and I will let them as long as I can do it.

Fast forward to today. Brooklyn is now 11 and in 5th grade. Gabi is almost 8 and in 2nd grade. Thats just crazy. I can remember like it was yesterday Brooklyn starting Pre-K and Gabi waddling with us drinking out of her sippie cup. Man to have those days back again. They grow up way to fast. Both girls are in Girl Scouts and have been for the last couple of years. I am Brooklyns Junior leader and I think I found something that I enjoy. I love leading these girls. Brooklyn also is back into soccer. Her first game was this past Saturday (technically 2nd, but she missed the first cause we took her to Busch Gardens for her birthday) and she did such a wonderful job. I am so very proud of her. She got out there and ran her little butt off. She is also a part of the Challenge program at school. Safety Patrol and Go Green club as well. She keeps wanting to add more but I do have to put a stop somewhere. I don't want her to get overwhelmed with everything. She is a straight A student. I don't think there was a time that she has ever made a B. Little bragging there, but I am so proud of her.
Gabi is doing Girl Scouts again this year. She was taking karate but she has decided that all she wants to do is scouts. I am ok with that. She is a really amazing reader. She will read anything and everything. Can not spell around her anymore either. We have had our ups and downs with her in the last couple of years. Trying to get the right meds for her ADHD (last possible choice, did not want to medicate) to just getting her on a routine that works for her. It has been tiring and we still have our obstacles but we are working through it all. She is such an amazing and smart girl. I would like for her to get involved in another thing or two but I am not going to push it. As long as she enjoys what she does. Just give her a stack of books and she is set.
I love my girls and will do anything I can to have them be able to do anything that they want to do. We do do a lot of family things together. You know, I can go off and do things with friends or whatever but I really enjoy just doing things with my family. I love that I am being able to experience these things through them that otherwise I would never get to experience. Yes, we do go on quite a few trips and stuff. But you know, I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. I want my girls to grow up and say that they have experienced all sorts of things and been all sorts of places. I can not say that I did these things growing up. I want my girls to have every opportunity to whatever it is they want.
Ok, I guess I will get off my soapbox now. I just love my kids and want to let everyone know. I will try to post some recent pictures soon.